One Poster a Day for 365 Days
Personal Project

One Poster a Day for 365 Days

In 2018, I started a daily design project focused on posters and digital artwork, aiming to nurture creativity consistently and playfully. Inspiration often emerges during the work process, proving that creativity can be trained like a muscle. Committing to regular practice made creativity a habit. Beginning with minimal thought, simply opening my computer often sparked inspiration. My goal was to design a poster every day, leading to unexpected opportunities like this exhibition and new projects. While not every piece was exceptional, each contributed to my growth. Embracing imperfection liberates creativity. Selected prints are available in my online
Project Details
365 Days
One Poster a Day for 365 Days

Design a poster everyday

The most challenging part was to start.


5 minute rule

The best thing that worked for me, was to tell myself that I will sit down at the computer for 5 minutes and start working. If nothing comes out in 5 minutes, I would try again later in the day. It worked most days. There were also times where I would skip a few days. In those cases I would catch up later, even if it would mean, I would have to design several posters in one day.


My graphic design business took off

One day, an colleague from the Tape Over team, a collective I collaborated with on several murals after my world trip, reached out to me. He told me that the project manager of Goethe Institut was looking for a graphic designer for the International German Language Olympics event media design. Impressed by my previous posters, he suggested I apply for the opportunity. Without hesitation, I sent in my application and eagerly awaited the outcome.

To my delight, I was selected from four other agencies and freelancers who had applied, securing the project: IDO 2020. This chance marked a turning point in my graphic design work. Working with Goethe Institut opened doors for me, exposing me to diverse clients. As time went on, I gravitated more towards art and cultural clients, embracing art direction and design for art and cultural events as my primary focus. Alongside this, I began exploring the realm of mixed media digital art.

Now, with the IDO 2024 on the horizon, I am thrilled to be designing event media for the third consecutive time. The experience with Goethe Institut has been invaluable, shaping my career trajectory and allowing me to delve deeper into the world of art and creativity. I look forward to the exciting journey ahead as I continue to grow and evolve in my passion for design and art.


Start your project

We would love to hear about your upcoming event. Email us at