How it works
Highly recommend Alina to any business looking to elevate their brand presence.
Experience Unmatched Speed & Reliability
Alina blends creativity with user oriented design.
Totally async
Manage with Trello
Invite unlimited team members
Membership benefits
Design board
Fast delivery
Fixed monthly rate
Exceptional quality
Flexible and scalable
Custom and all yours
Logos, websites, social media graphics & more
Memberships levels
Choose a plan that's right for you.
What's included:
- Two requests at a time
- Average 48 hour delivery
- Unlimited brands
- Unlimited users
- Unlimited stock photos via Shutterstock
- Easy credit-card payments
- Pause or cancel anytime
What's included:
- One request at a time
- Average 48 hour delivery
- Unlimited brands
- Unlimited users
- Unlimited stock photos via Shutterstock
- Easy credit-card payments
- Pause or cancel anytime
Refer a friend & earn
Why not just hire a full-time designer?
Great question! Hiring a full-time senior designer can cost over $100,000 a year, plus benefits*, and finding one is tough. Also, you might not always have enough work for them, meaning you pay even when there's no work. With our monthly plan, you can stop and start your subscription anytime, so you only pay when there's actual work to do.
*60.000€ in Germany
Can I make unlimited requests?
Yes, after you subscribe, you can put as many design requests as you want in your queue, and we'll work on them one after another.
How quickly will I receive my designs?
Usually, you'll get your designs in two days or less. But, if it's something more complicated, it might take a bit longer.
Who does the design work?
This might come as a surprise, but the studio is actually just me – the founder. So, you'll be working directly with me. For special requests like animations or custom illustrations, I team up with partner designers.
How does pausing work?
If you don't have enough design tasks for a full month, maybe just one or two, you can pause your subscription. Billing is for 31 days. If you sign up, use it for 21 days, and then pause, your billing stops, and you'll have 10 days left to use whenever you want.
What programs do you design in?
Most requests are designed using Figma and Adobe Suite.
How do I request designs?
At our studio, you have lots of options for asking for designs with Trello. You can request directly in Trello, share Google docs or wireframes, or even make a quick Loom video if you'd rather not write everything down. As long as it can be linked to or shared on Trello, you can use it to request your designs.
What if I don't like the design?
If you don't like the design, it's okay! We'll keep making changes until you're totally happy with it.
Is there any design work you don't cover?
Yes, there are some types of design work we don't do: 3D modeling, video editing, video reels, animated graphics like GIFs, designing documents like medical forms, complicated packaging, and big print projects like magazines or books.
What if I only have a single request?
If you just have one request, no problem. You can pause your subscription after it's done and come back when you have more design work. This way, you won't waste any of your subscription.
Do you offer refunds if I don't like the service?
Due to the high quality custom nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.